Thanks to the unique and careful packaging method, the number of damaged shipments to date is 0.
You can contact us with a question or order 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
You can pay for the goods upon receipt of the goods, cash on delivery or in advance, in CZK and EUR.
We offer the widest selection of enthalpy exchangers for units from manufacturers Brink, Stiebel-Eltron, Proxon-Zimmerman, Tecalor, Vallox and many others.
We are able to supply you with both bare recuperators and recuperators including recuboxes, filters, grease filters, air ionizers, all exactly according to your specific requirements .
The top parameters of our equipment are guaranteed by installing the best RECUTECH counterflow exchangers . We are proud to boast a golden partnership with this Pardubice manufacturer.